
We'll now learn how to make links to other web sites on the World Wide Web.

There are two different link types in Markdown, but both of them render the exact same way. The first link style is called an inline link. To create an inline link, you wrap the link text in brackets ( [ ] ), and then you wrap the link in parentheses ( ( ) ). For example, to create a hyperlink to, with a link text that says, Visit GitHub!, you'd write this in Markdown: [Visit GitHub!](

In the box below, make a link to, with link text that says "Search for it."

Nice work!

You can add emphasis to link texts, if you like. In the box below, make the phrase "really, really" bold, and have the entire sentence link to You'll want to make sure that the bold phrasing occurs within the link text brackets.


Although it might make for an awkward experience, you can make links within headings, too.

For this next tutorial, make the text a heading four, and turn the phrase "the BBC" into a link to

That's all there is to writing inline links.

The other link type is called a reference link. As the name implies, the link is actually a reference to another place in the document. Here's an example of what we mean:

     Here's [a link to something else][another place].
     Here's [yet another link][another-link].
     And now back to [the first link][another place].

     [another place]:

The "references" above are the second set of brackets: [another place] and [another-link]. At the bottom of a Markdown document, these brackets are defined as proper links to outside websites. An advantage of the reference link style is that multiple links to the same place only need to be updated once. For example, if we decide to make all of the [another place] links go somewhere else, we only have to change the single reference link.

Reference links don't appear in the rendered Markdown. You define them by providing the same tag name wrapped in brackets, followed by a colon, followed by the link.

In the box below, we've started writing out some reference links. You'll need to finish them up! Call the first reference tag "a fun place", and make it link to; make the second link out to

You now know how to make links in Markdown!

On to the next lesson!