
有時你需要將讀者的目光聚焦至一段引文,或是自雜誌文章上擷取某一段話,此時 Markdown 提供的 引用區塊 功能就十分方便。引用區塊的作用,是特別凸顯一段句子或段落,以吸引讀者的注意。例如:

"The sin of doing nothing is the deadliest of all the seven sins. It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing."

插入引用區塊的方式,是在行首加入一個「大於」符號 (>)。例如:

> "In a few moments he was barefoot, his stockings folded in his pockets and his
  canvas shoes dangling by their knotted laces over his shoulders and, picking a
  pointed salt-eaten stick out of the jetsam among the rocks, he clambered down
  the slope of the breakwater."



你也可以在引文的行首插入一個大於符號 (>),這在引文有多個篇幅時特別有用。例如:

> His words seemed to have struck some deep chord in his own nature. Had he spoken
of himself, of himself as he was or wished to be? Stephen watched his face for some
moments in silence. A cold sadness was there. He had spoken of himself, of his own
loneliness which he feared.
> —Of whom are you speaking? Stephen asked at length.
> Cranly did not answer.

注意到空行的行首也需要有大於符號 (>),這樣才能使整段引用文字被正確辨識為同一區塊。

在下方的文字框,在每行行首插入一個大於符號 (>),將內容變成引用區塊。


引用區塊當中可以包含其他 Markdown 元素,例如斜體字、圖片、連結。


噠啦!那麼你已經學會如何在 Markdown 中插入引用區塊了!
